Retention Automation for Subscription Media

Increase the lifetime value of your subscribers with proven and personalized retention strategies.

Understand behavioural signals driving churn using explainable AI, and run experiments to learn which strategies most effectively increase lifetime value.

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Measure the retention impact.

Subsets enables you to run retention experiments on subscribers, and automatically track the lift in lifetime value, renewal rates, and product engagement.

We deliver statistically significant results, precisely demonstrating the growth in MRR and subscribers through retention.

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Explainable AI
Move fast with Subsets’ suggested audiences generated by explainable AI.
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Built for commercial teams
Easily use AI, experimentation, and automation without coding.
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Measure impact
Prove the exact retention impact of your experiments and automations.

Purpose-built for consumer growth.

Subsets increases lifetime value in subscription media by enabling commercial teams to run AI-driven retention experiments without engineering support.
Discover what makes subscribers stay

Integrated to your tech-stack

Activate all predictions and explanations directly in your CRM and ESP system.
Discover what makes subscribers stay

Explainable AI

Discover AI-generated churn audiences and understand the behavioral signals driving churn.
Discover what makes subscribers stay

Automated reporting & analytics

Measure the impact your experiments and automations in user engagement, lift in lifetime value and renewal rates.
Discover what makes subscribers stay

Experimental infrastructure

Run advanced A/B tests with statistical significance on dynamic user cohorts.


Which metrics do you measure?

The two primary retention metrics we look at are the lift in life-time value, and the lift in renewal rates. Other than that, we analyze the lift in user engagements such as daily active users, increase in sessions, and we also enable you to choose which secondary metrics to see for each experiment.

How are audiences created?

Subsets automatically generate audiences using explainable AI. We identify at-risk subscribers and explains the behavioral signals driving churn. An audience is made of subscribers with similar risk characteristics.

Which systems do you integrate to?

Subsets integrates with all your tools and protects your data. Common integrations include Salesforce, Agillic, Iterable, Sailthru,, and others.